For most people, music festivals are a chance to relax and escape the nine to five but for our Technical Director Ryan Frey, it was the busiest weekend of his life.
When Ryan isn’t managing post production on Workhouse Creative projects, he’s moonlighting with USC events to create amazing videos highlighting various music artists. Most recently, Ryan spearheaded the Paradiso Media team, directing and editing the official Paradiso Festival recap videos that have already garnered thousands of views. Both are spectacular and capture the vibrant and kinetic atmosphere of the USC festival.
Ryan described Paradiso as the time of his life and a wonderland of self expression.

Ryan worked closely with cinematographers from Joosbox media and directed them in what content to collect and made sure the videos were assembled and edited as soon as possible. He even pulled multiple all nighters with his fiancé (and assistant editor) Maria Anca to bring them in on time; another example of his dedication to every project he touches.
The man is a machine. Follow the links below and check out Ryan’s amazing work!